Medea: The Chorus Diaries, final entry by Director Julian Bond

I directed the recent production of Medea and asked Natalie J Romero, co-ordinator of the Greek Chorus Diaries if she would allow me to add my thoughts on the Greek Chorus. She agreed so here they are –   I began reading around the subject of Greek theatre (and all extant plays) 18 months ago.… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries, final entry by Director Julian Bond

Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 9 by Mikyla Jane Durkan

A Brief Encounter – I Am Chorus  By Mikyla Jane Durkan Click for spoken poem   From far flung exotic lands they came And drifted into shore Crosby, Southport , Wirral too As well as many more As they met they gathered strength A groaning greedy beast Their lilting heads and 16 eyes Reached out… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 9 by Mikyla Jane Durkan

Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 7 by Natalie J Romero

You may have noticed that this entry is a little over due; I actually realised last night that it couldn’t come at a better time. Medea is moving! Our next performance s will take place at St Luke’s Church, better known as the bombed out church, in Liverpool city centre, at the top of bd st.… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 7 by Natalie J Romero

Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 6 by Samatha Walton and Faye Caddick

We all can’t believe we’re on entry number 6 already! Six weeks since we started the Chorus Diaries and only a few left… To mark this milestone and to put their own unique spin on the Chorus Diaries, chorus members Samantha Walton and Faye Caddick, the ‘terrible twins’ of Burjesta, the dynamic duo of Greek… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 6 by Samatha Walton and Faye Caddick

Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 3 by Vicky Lodge

For a while now I’ve had something of a vague mental list of activities that I just wanted to have a go at. Not a bucket list as such, nothing amazingly adventurous or dangerous, but quite high up on this list always remained, “Have a go at a bit of acting.”   Nothing where I… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 3 by Vicky Lodge

Medea: The Chorus Diaries- Entry No. 2 By Maria Hutchinson

“In Athens when the world was younger, Harmony with the flaxen hair was born…” It seems a very long time ago that I attended the auditions for this production back in dark and dank December. The two preparatory workshops were arduous yet fun; a crash course in the dynamics of the Ancient Greek chorus. Unlike… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries- Entry No. 2 By Maria Hutchinson

Medea: Greek Chorus Diaries- Welcome, by Natalie J. Romero

  Hello, and welcome to the first ever Greek Chorus Diary entry. I’m Natalie, coming to you from the depths of the Burjesta extended family and this is the place for wonderfully weird world of the Burjesta Greek chorus, updated every week with details straight from the performers themselves. So far work on Medea has… Continue reading Medea: Greek Chorus Diaries- Welcome, by Natalie J. Romero