A Brief Encounter – I Am Chorus By Mikyla Jane Durkan Click for spoken poem From far flung exotic lands they came And drifted into shore Crosby, Southport , Wirral too As well as many more As they met they gathered strength A groaning greedy beast Their lilting heads and 16 eyes Reached out… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 9 by Mikyla Jane Durkan
Tag: actor
Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 3 by Vicky Lodge
For a while now I’ve had something of a vague mental list of activities that I just wanted to have a go at. Not a bucket list as such, nothing amazingly adventurous or dangerous, but quite high up on this list always remained, “Have a go at a bit of acting.” Nothing where I… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries Entry No. 3 by Vicky Lodge
Medea: The Chorus Diaries- Entry No. 2 By Maria Hutchinson
“In Athens when the world was younger, Harmony with the flaxen hair was born…” It seems a very long time ago that I attended the auditions for this production back in dark and dank December. The two preparatory workshops were arduous yet fun; a crash course in the dynamics of the Ancient Greek chorus. Unlike… Continue reading Medea: The Chorus Diaries- Entry No. 2 By Maria Hutchinson