Burjesta Theatre presents…
A tale of…Industrial Pollution…
The Appropriation of Science for Profit…
And the Continuing Battle to Rid the World of Asbestos
And the Exploitation of Workers Worldwide.
For one night only!!
Thursday 4th July @ The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BQ 7pm
Donations on the door for Merseyside Asbestos Victim Support Group
This event is in association with Merseyside Asbestos Victim Support Group and leads into the Action Mesothelioma Day on Friday 5th July taking place at Liverpool Town Hall between 11am and 3pm and open to the public. The aim of the day is to raise awareness about Mesothelioma (a cancer caused by asbestos) and to raise much-needed funds for further research of Mesothelioma.
As part of events on the 5th July at 12 noon there will be a release of doves from outside the Town Hall at Exchange Flags, with doves being sponsored in honour of a friend or loved one who has been victim to the condition. Burjesta Theatre will also be doing a 15 minute extract from “The Real Monsters Revealed” at 12.30pm.
For further information either on the performance on 4th July or the events day on 5th July contact us on 07590 458 297 or info@burjesta-theatre.co.uk
You can also look out for up dates at www.burjesta-theatre.co.uk or on Facebook at ‘Burjesta Theatre’.