6pm, The Casa Bar Liverpool, Hope Street, £3/£2
This week, in our penultimate workshop, we’ll be looking at the essence of Greek Theatre and its foundations in Democracy. How the first ‘modern’ democratic state came about, how it is intrinsically linked to Greek Theatre and how it was reflected in the work of the great Greek playwrights, with both pro- and anti- democratic viewpoints given.
We’ll look at how democracy in 5th century BC Athens differed from our own, its advances, limitations and how it ended. So for anyone who thinks that politics and art should be connected come along and explore the drama and ideas expressed 2, 500 years ago and still totally relevant today.
We’ll also be asking participants to come up with some devised theatre of their own in the style of Greek Theatre – chorus, action not shown on stage but revealed by a messenger or main character and such like – for a modern political piece and ending the workshop with a discussion on ‘political theatre’ and the role of the artist as a political commentator.
All welcome!