‘Shadows in Reality’ – 12 week course from Potentially Brilliant on mental health begins 10th July

‘Shadows in Reality’ – Potentially Brilliant Productions
12-Week Drama Course on the theme of Mental Health
Starts Monday 10th July, 7pm at The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool
Runs for 12 weeks
A series of drama workshops using creativity to explore the theme of mental illness. Each session will examine our attitudes toward mental health and feature characters from literature and drama such as Hamlet’s Ophelia, Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Tennessee William’s Blanche Dubois and Sophocles’ Ajax.
It is intended for both actors and non-actors who wish to explore these themes in an informal setting with the opportunity to perform in a ‘sharing’ in October.
To book a place contact Mikyla on 0759 0458 297 or info@potentially-brilliant.co.uk
Alternatively come along on the evening.
*Please note these are not drama therapy sessions. Adults onlyShadows in Reality - high res