Revolutionary Theatre Workshop – Fuente Ovejuna – 31st May

Burjesta Theatre Workshop – Revolutionary Theatre – Fuente Ovejuna by Lope de Vega
This evening, Wednesday 31st May, 7pm @ The Casa, Hope St, Liverpool
This evening we’ll be looking at ‘Fuente Ovejuna’ by Lope de Vega a tale of peasant uprising in 15th century Spain. It’s a galvanising play not least because women are at the forefront of events. Following on from this we’ll be looking at another women-led event – the march to Versailles by the French ‘sans-cullotes’ during the French Revolution to force the king to return to Paris.
All welcome, beginner or experienced. Each session is a stand alone session and costs £3/£2
These workshops are leading into auditions for our Autumn production ‘Revolution’ which depicts 50 years of revolutionary drama from the Paris Commune to the Russian Revolution. If you are interested in auditioning click on the following link for more details –
Regards Burjesta Fuente 300x300