This Wednesday’s workshop will be run by Sarah Tyrer a dance teacher, choreographer and long-standing member of Burjesta Theatre. She will be running it as a dance workshop looking at the choreography and musical theatre style of Bob Fosse who in his lifetime won eight Tony Awards for choreography as well as an academy award for best direction for ‘Cabaret’.
Sarah tells us that the aim of the workshop is ‘to use the story line in the dance’. The scenario she’ll be using is one of flirtation between the opposite sexes; the women will be acting sexy, whilst the men will be ‘game for the chase’.
You don’t need to be a dancer to attend the workshop or spectacularly fit. Come with a spirit of inquiry and loose-fitting clothes and trainers.
This workshop will feed into follow on workshops where we try and incorporate ideas and movements which have been explored into drama scenarios and improvisations, part of a long-term aim of Burjesta to transform actors into performers and to steer them away from the idea of just coming onto stage and delivering their lines. Rather we are after a much more physical approach. If this sound of interest to you come along!
Workshop takes place at The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, starting at 7pm and cost £2. As ever non-actors most welcome!