Support The Casa! Support Burjesta Theatre!
Just one week to go until first night of our latest production ‘Medea’ by Euripides – a tale of horror and revenge.
Tickets are only £5 and all proceedings go to a fund to install in-house sound and lighting into The Casa. This will in turn create a fringe theatre and performance space in the heart of the theatre district, accessible and affordable to all.
So please give your support in attendance on one of the following nights next week – Monday 23rd, Wednesday 25th*, Friday 27th or Saturday 28th March. Shows start at 7.30pm
Reserve tickets now on 07913 449 396.
* Please note there will be a Q & A session following the Wednesday 25th performance with the adaptor of the play Jonathon Bibby, a writer of a book on Euripides, John McCormack, the director Julian Bond and members of the cast. These Q & A s have always proved very popular with audiences enjoying the chance to express their thoughts and opinions on the play and any relevant issues.