Revolutionary Theatre Workshop – Toussaint Louverture – Wed 7 June

Burjesta Theatre – Revolutionary Theatre Workshop –
‘Toussaint Louverture’ – C.L.R. James
Wednesday 7th, June, 7pm @ The Casa, Hope St, Liverpool
This Wednesday we look at impressive play by Black intellectual and Marxist, C.L.R. James, written in 1934 on the subject of the slave revolt and revolution on the island of Saint Domingue (now Haiti) covering events from 1791 to 1804 as, under the leader of inspirational leader, Toussaint Louverture, black slaves sought to break free from French, British and American control of their island.
We’ll be looking at scenes that focus on the main events and trajectories of the revolution with figures such as Bonaparte, General Leclerc, Toussaint Louverture, Dessalines represented in the play.
All welcome, beginner or experienced. Each workshop is a stand-alone workshop and costs £3/£2.
This series of workshops will lead into auditions (on 26th July) for our Autumn production, ‘Revolution’ which looks at the Russian Revolution. For more information on the audition click on the following link –
Burjesta toussaint louverture