Burjesta workshops for the next 4 weeks will be dedicated to ‘clowning’, after which we’ll be holding auditions for our next production. Auditions will only be open to people who have been attending the workshops. This Wednesday (7pm, £2) we’ll be looking at extracts from the three Ubu Plays by Alfred Jarry which shocked the French Bourgeoisie at the turn of the 19th/20th Century. Pa Ubu is a violent, amoral, crazed clown so don’t expect red noses!! The Ubu plays (Ubu the King, Ubu Cuckolded and Ubu Enchained) created an insane world, with an insane logic which looks at the morality of power and the hypocrisy of ‘mannered society’. It also very wittily parodies Shakespeare’s Macbeth..