This Wednesday’s workshop is dedicated to looking at text extracts from Shakespeare’s ‘War of the Roses’ cycle – Henry VI Parts I, II & III and Richard III. We’ll be looking at some brilliant scenes including Richard III’s famous monologue ‘Now is the winter of our discontent’; the murder of the Duke of Clarence; Joan of Arc’s dalliance with King Charles; the Jack Cade peasant uprising and the ghost scene of slaughtered opponents of Richard III.
Shakespeare’s ‘War of the Roses’ cycle is a brilliant, panoramic view of English history running from 1422 to 1483, an unrivalled study of power politics. Come along and enjoy immersing yourself in some of the most spell-binding pieces of text to have ever been produced.
The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, Wednesday 21st October, 7pm
All welcome, beginner or experienced – no prior knowledge of Shakespeare required.
Regards Burjesta