Burjesta Theatre Workshop Audition, Crime and Punishment, Wed 17th August

cap 3
6pm, Wednesday 17th, August
The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool,
A reminder that this Wednesday 17th we are auditioning for our autumn production, an in-house adaptation of Crime and Punishment, taking place at the earlier than usual time of 6pm. Auditions are open only to actors who have attended at least one of the two introductory workshops that we’ve just run on Crime and Punishment.
The audition will consist of delivering a monologue or taking part in a duologue from a selection of scenes covering all the main characters. These will be given out at the beginning of the audition and you will be given time to prepare it. You will be able to use the script hand-out whilst performing your monologue/duologue.
The only exception to this is the character of Porfiry. Actors or actresses wishing to be considered for Porfiry need to have learnt the speech given out at the end of last week’s workshop and deliver it ‘off script’. If you don’t have the speech and wish to audition for Porfiry send an email to info@burjesta-theatre.co.uk and we’ll send you the speech for you to learn.
You’ll only need to deliver one monologue/duologue but you can be considered for any suitable parts in the play. In this regard your audition will be an indication of your general abilities.
For more details of the production click on the following link –
We look forward to seeing those who are auditioning please be punctual and best of luck in your audition.