A ‘mini-series’ of workshops beginning Wednesday 26th April, 7pm @ The Casa, Hope Street, Liverpool, £3/£2 – all welcome…
We are fortunate that the greats of Greek tragedy, Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles all wrote plays using the myth of the ‘House of Atreus’ which tells the story of Clytemnestra’s slaying of her husband Agamemnon on his return from the Trojan War and the revenge killing of Clytemnestra by her son, Orestes and her daughter Electra.
All three plays have different ways and priorities in how they tell the tale and are of great merit in themselves but in our view Sophocles’ ‘Electra’ manages to create the greatest dramatic tension.
We’ll be examining his play in detail, how he achieves the effects he does and comparing his version with those of Aeschylus and Euripides.
Such an analysis should be of benefit for anyone involved in theatre whether writers working on their plotting, directors or actors.
All welcome no prior knowledge of Greek theatre required
Regards Burjesta